Embracing disabled golfers could increase revenues
World Golf News
CENTENNIAL, Colo. -- Golf could add 400,000 rounds and increase revenues by as much as $60 million by further embracing the disabled golf community, according to SoloRider.
"The potential golf market of mobility-impaired players

Unique cart gets all golfers on the green
Unique cart gets all golfers on the green
Wayne Creighton, Niagara This Week, Sept 20, 2006
Frank Peter putts from his SoloRider on the 11th green at Grand Niagara.
The SoloRider enables physically disabled golfers such as Peter to play a

Single-seater carts give disabled players a shot
Single-seater carts give disabled players a shot
Tim Johnson, Staff Writer The Daily Nonpareil Online - September 14, 2006Staff photo/Tim Johnson -
Barry Ridout gets ready to tee off
from a Solo Rider one-person
golf cart Wednesday at

Specially designed cart allows golfers with ailments, disabilities to enjoy the game
Colby Frazier, News-Press Staff Writer - September 5, 2006Roger Pretekin, president of SoloRider Management, demonstrates how a golfer can get into position from the SoloRider.
Afael Maldonado/News-Press Photos
The problem that we're seeing in